Corporate Event Décor Specialists
Polly Nowak
Q & A:
What attracted you to this business?
I grew up in Germany where we had to choose an apprenticeship after high school. I wanted to be a landscaper because I liked the idea of doing something on a big scale, but they laughed and said I was too small. Becoming a florist was the next thing on my mind. I never regretted it!
What is your favorite part of your job?
I love being creative and I love making people happy with the result.
What is your favorite flower?
I have so many favorites, but I would have to say tulips, ranunculus, and peonies. They all have unique shapes and have the most beautiful faces.
What makes Themes & Flowers unique?
We are not an ordinary flower shop business. We can dream big and do bigger things. We are able to concentrate on what the client wants and envisions. None of our work is ordinary or routine. There's a different twist each time.

"I like challenges. I thrive on a challenge. It helps you stay fresh
and creative."
Floral Designer
Melinda Nowak
Q & A:
What is your favorite part of your job?
I am attracted to creativity. I love selling different looks to meet the specific need of the client. My job is great because I am able to manage the process from start to finish; I am able to see everything come together.
What is your favorite flower and why?
I love tulips because I feel like they live with a mind of their own. They continue to grow, open and close. They do their thing without any prompting from anyone.
Do you have a favorite event that you managed at Themes & Flowers?
We were hired to do the first party under "The Endeavor" spaceship. It was breathtaking. It was truly remarkable to stand next to something that had gone so far and done something so special. I really enjoyed managing the space-oriented theme to harmonize with such a special time.

“We are able to take someone’s idea and create something visual.
We are able to transform a plain space into something that it
never was before. I love seeing people’s visions realized.”
Operation & Sales Manager